Dr. Palencia, Dr. Irene Present Paper at 15th Asian Conference on Education

By Arianne Rose Tafalla-Salcedo / November 24, 2023

TOKYO, JAPAN─ To show commitment to their core function as faculty of Samar State University (SSU), Graduate School Dean Dr. Redentor S. Palencia and International Affairs Director Dr. Elmer A. Irene attended as presenters in the 15 Asian Conference on Education (ACE) on November 22-25, 2023 at Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.

The papers titled “Unveiling the Filipino Executive Leadership Traits and Styles among State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Eastern Visayas, Philippines” by Dr. Palencia and “Multi-Party Partnerships and Sustainable Education for Shared Prosperity: Impact Study Among Adult Mat Weavers in Samar, Philippines” by Dr. Irene were presented before scholars and educators from around the globe.

Organized by The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) in Osaka in 2009, the ACE is a platform for participants to network, establish linkages, and explore research synergies as a means of tackling the numerous and intricate problems that confront the academe in the contemporary world.

“A million thanks SSU for this opportunity. The experience in sharing our paper to diverse group of academics is fulfilling. And of course, the chance of exchanging insights on the pressing trends in higher education among educators across the globe is indeed rewarding and humbling,” Dr. Palencia expressed in his social media post.
This participation of SSU faculty-researchers proves beneficial to the University as it strengthens linkages, through academic engagements and research discourses.

Office of International Affairs