Virtual signing of MOA between SSU and UNESA a success

November 11, 2022

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was inked recently between Samar State University and Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia. The collaboration spans the Psychology Program offered at the Universitas Negeri Surabaya College of Education, and also Samar State University College of Arts and Sciences, that they may further foster and develop a collaborative relationship through faculty and student exchange.

The faculty exchange will take place either face-to-face or online, depending on the circumstances, and will be organized as a visiting lecture activity. For online lectures, the same shall be conducted with both SSU and UNESA students attending synchronously. There shall be about 40 students attending per session, unless it may be reduced due to valid reasons. The topic to be handled is Developmental Psychology. Both faculties shall prepare and exchange their syllabi, specifically the references they shall use. The face-to-face modality may be conducted toward the end of the program, whereby both faculties will conduct lectures onsite, conduct observations of the classroom situation, make learning assessments, tour around the campus, and meet with counterparts and officials in the partner university. Henceforth, a letter of intent or invitation should be sent at least 2 months prior to the visit, stipulating therewith the schedule of the itinerary and the number of persons visiting.

The lectures shall start on October 3, 2022, with four (4) sessions for each faculty, at 2 ½ hours per week, with a total number of 10 hours, or 20 hours overall for two faculties. The faculty exchange collaboration shall terminate on the 30th of December 2022.

The MOA was signed by the SSU Chair of the Department of Psychology Dr. Mae Cañal and the UNESA Head of the Department of Psychology Madam Meita Santi Budiani. Witnesses were the SSU Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Dr. Florabelle Patosa and the UNESA Dean of the College of Education Dr. Mochamad Nursalim. Other guests from UNESA included the Office of International Affairs Director and  Coordinator Prof. Asrori and  Sir Muhammad Nurul Ashar. Other officials from SSU were also present including the Director for International Affairs Dr. Elmer Irene and Coordinator for International Student Exchange Mr. Pedro Cabrales. The participants were warmly welcomed by SSU President Dr. Marilyn Cardoso. The University President expressed her heartfelt appreciation to the SSU and UNESA academic community for all of their hard work and commitment in bringing this academic relationship to realization.

Office of International Affairs