PH HEIs Partnership Mission to Vancouver, Canada

June 30, 2022

The Philippines delegation composed of 33 participants from 17 participating Philippine Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and from CHED International Affairs Staff, including Samar State University Office of International Affairs Director Dr. Elmer Irene, participated in the Partnership Mission and British Columbia International Education Week (BCIEW) in Whistler, British Columbia. The Philippine delegates showcased their universities to build new networks and partnerships and to get the most recent trends and developments in international education in British Columbia territory.

Dr. Irene stated that “the partnership mission was a successย for there were three Canadian HEIs who are interestedย in inking an MOU for academic cooperation. SSU introduced Basey Campus Community College programs and had identified potential partners from Canada HEIs that matched theย SSU Basey programsโ€.

Office of International Affairs